written by AngelaC-edited by Lindsay Evans-updated It has been estimated that over % of infant car seats and strollers contain high levels of unsafe chemicals that can lead to serious health issues and have a detrimental effect on our environment. The following non-toxic car seats and strollers are a better choice for the future of our children. slide of Many of the materials used to make car seats and strollers are extremely hazardous to the health of our children.
These toxic chemicals are absorbed into our bodies and the environment. Young children are the most vulnerable and have the highest exposure to these chemicals and toxic fumes. Their systems are still developing and they spend a significant portion of their infancy sitting and sleeping in car seats and strollers. The widespread usage of toxic flame retardants and chemicals in a variety of household products, including strollers, car seats, crib mattresses and other baby items has been a concern of the Environmental Protection Agency for years. Loopholes in the laws that should protect us, instead, have left us exposed and facing dangerous health consequences.
www.diapersanddimples.com These toxic substances have been linked to cancer, neurological disorders, birth defects, reproductive damage, learning disabilities, respiratory problems and a myriad of other diseases and illnesses. Fortunately, significant steps are now being taken to start reducing our exposure to these chemicals and baby product manufacturers are beginning to produce more eco-friendly, non-toxic car seats and strollers. slide of Toxic Chemicals to Avoid The following is a list of toxic chemicals that are used in the production of many car seats and strollers and should be avoided Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers PBDE Polyurethane foam Polyvinylchloride PVC Bromine Lead Chlorine TDCP Tris , -dichloro- -propyl phosphate TCEP Tris -chloroethyl phosphate Phthalates This list is just a sampling of the many different toxins and flame retardant substances that can be found in baby products.
If you want to find out specific details about a particular item, call the manufacturer directly. Any reputable company will be honest and forthright about what is in the products they sell. However, be advised that it may take some persistence on your part. slide of Choosing Safe Car Seats and Strollers When purchasing safe, eco-friendly car seats and strollers, look for items that are made with recyclable components, and natural fabrics and materials, such as organic cotton, wool and natural latex rubber.